Formula Woman Newsletter - 17th June 2021

This week’s newsletter focuses on assessment day FAQ’s, but before you read on, we have a couple of important points for you;

If you don’t receive an email you are expecting, eg. Online Tutorial login, then please check your junk mail, it could have ended up there.

Demon Tweeks have asked us to ensure if you are ordering anything from them with the Formula Woman Discount, you must do this via their Formula Woman contact Mark Jones, 01978 663095. Remember to quote your access number.

Assessment Day - Asked & Anticipated Questions - in no particular order

I cannot make it to Anglesey, can I go somewhere else?
Yes, we have assessments in England, Scotland, and Wales so look out on the weekly newsletters for forthcoming dates and venues.

I have heard there is to be an assessment in the south of England, can I wait for that one?
Yes, but this is likely to be in November and some competitors want to proceed with their assessment sooner rather than later.

When will you release the dates for the other assessments?
Hopefully towards the end of June.

I have booked for Anglesey, can I change my mind and go to a track nearer to home?
You can, but only if you live in the south of England or Scotland

Can I come to more than one assessment day?
No, as this would be unfair within the competition rules.

Will I be there all day?
Yes, almost, as you will have 5 separate tests to complete.

If not, what time do I have to be there?
We will be allocating two starting times depending on how far you must travel.

Can my friends and family come to support me? If so, how many?
This is possible at the Wales and Scotland venues, but not the English one at this moment in time (TBC).

Where can they watch me from?
They can watch from trackside.

Do they have to pay if they want to come and watch?
No, they do not.

I haven’t been able to secure sponsorship, will this be a problem?
Not at all. The only reason we encourage sponsors is to allow you to reduce your own costs for travel and any events/track days you choose to take part in.

I have secured sponsorship, what coverage will they get?
You will have to submit your sponsors logo which we will have produced and located in a prime position for your assessment.

I have a personal sponsor, can they come with me?
They will only be able to attend the Wales and Scotland assessment days at this moment in time.

Will the sponsor get footage of me in the car showing their logos?
Yes, providing you have submitted your sponsor’s logo.

I have a friend who is a photographer, can she or he come with me?
At the Wales and Scotland days – yes!

Where can they buy tickets?
They don’t need tickets, we just need to know their names for access to the venue.

What do I need to wear?
Shoes suitable for driving, clothing suitable for in car and outdoors as the weather will be unpredictable!

Can I bring my own helmet?
Yes, we will supply disposable balaclavas and we will have a supply of helmets too.

What do I need to bring with me?
Your Formula Woman access card, your facemask, and your driving licence.

Are meals provided?
To competitors, yes, but not to guests however catering should be available on site.

I have never been on a track before, can I have a practice run?
Your driving assessments include a brief practice run with professional instruction.

Do you suggest we have track practice beforehand?
You can buy in to one of our track days which will be available on our website soon.

Are vehicles provided for us?

What cars will we be driving?
As Formula Woman is being televised, this won’t be announced until nearer to your assessment.

Which track layout is being used?
Short and relatively simple track layouts, nothing too technical!

Where can I stay?
There are hotels and B&B’s close to each venue and we have an accommodation/travel member of our team to assist.

Can I bring my caravan/motorhome? If so, where can I park it?
By pre-arrangement, this may be possible.

When will I know if I am through to the next round?
December 2021, pre-Christmas.

How is the TV series going to work?
Like any new TV concept, nothing will be revealed beforehand. A film or new series only reveals snippets leading up to transmission, so in other words, we can’t tell you!

I live out of Europe, how does this work for me?
You will go through a similar process (application, welcome pack, and online tutorial), but your assessment will take place at a pre-defined venue local to you. We have a global representative to assist with each overseas applicant.



Formula Woman Newsletter - 23rd June 2021


Formula Woman Newsletter - 10th June, 2021